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Better and new graphs, more flight info

This entry is based on a converted post, put here for any documentation value.


Minor updates to the website, mostly about graphing.

Graphs are easier to zoom in/out:

Just put your mouse over the chart, scroll up to zoom in, scroll down to zoom out, click+drag to pan left or right.

The x-axis automatically adapts to the zoom level.

Graphs show tooltips with both metric and imperial (and no more double-lines):

Experimental Graphs (only one for now):

Underneath the regular graphs is a new expandable section.

At the moment it has a user-configurable scatterplot that lets you (say) compare the temperature to reported voltage.

You can compare any measurement to any other measurement, however, and the graph just updates its view.

Here are two searches that have relatively long histories that may be interesting to look at:

I didn't want to burden the typical page viewer with too much information, but happy to take feedback about what is/isn't useful to see.

The graphs are much faster to load and snappier to use.

Can't take a screenshot of that but the page hopefully feels even zippier.

Info section has more info

A few additional stats got added.

Flight duration just does the math for you by looking at the earliest and latest spot in your search and working out the difference.



No search limit, spot counts, grid4 promotion, map spot colors

This entry is based on a converted post, put here for any documentation value.

Hi, instead of starting a new thread for feature updates, I'll just reply to this.

A few changes I made worth noting:

1. No more "Limit" input

Now the page does "the right thing" and you can stop guessing what number to put in there.

2. Now you get a count of the spots found with your search

3. Grid4 promotion

In some cases, it is useful to map the grid4 value despite not having a full grid6.

These cases are defined to be:

  • the first spot

  • any gap between spots where the grid4 lands on a different grid not already covered by either neighbor

  • the most recent spot, provided enough time has gone by that the encoded telemetry should have arrived already

4. Grid4 colored differently on the map

The blue marks are for grid6, and orange for grid4.

Can be helpful for sporadic reception where interesting locations were passed over but only grid4 received.

Can also be a little unhelpful if the spot is clearly not lined up with the trend.

The mode of the page which only uses grid4 is all orange.

5. Popups

Now you can click on any spot and see a cut-down selection of data available about that spot.

Grid6 points have more data available than grid4.

