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Programming Library


This page describes the WsprEncoded C++ header-only library which implements telemetry encoding and decoding functionality.

This is useful for writing a tracker, or other purposes.


The WsprEncoded library implements the functionality described in:

The library is available in several forms

  • Arduino Library via Arduino's Package Manager
  • CMake integration
    • Git submodules, FetchContent, direct

The library is designed to be widely compatible

  • No dynamic memory allocations (no malloc, no new)
    • No STL containers which allocate memory, either
  • C++11 language version, so old compilers are supported
    • Header-only implementation

API Overview

There are two major classes

What Description
The WsprMessageTelemetryBasic class Encode and Decode Basic Telemetry.
(eg altitude, voltage, etc)
The WsprChannelMap class Look up Channel Map details by band and channel.
(id13, start minute, and frequency)

API for Basic Telemetry

API Guide

API Guide

// Setter functions return:
// - true  when value passed is not clamped, modified, or rejected
// - false when value passed is     clamped, modified, or rejected

class WsprMessageTelemetryBasic

    // Setters / Getters for Telemetry

    // 'A' through 'X' for each char
    bool        SetGrid56(const char *grid56);
    const char *GetGrid56() const;

    // 0 through 21,340, steps of 20
    bool        SetAltitudeMeters(int32_t altitudeMeters);
    uint16_t    GetAltitudeMeters() const;

    // -50 through 39
    bool        SetTemperatureCelsius(int32_t temperatureCelsius);
    int8_t      GetTemperatureCelsius() const;

    // 3.0v through 4.95v, steps of 0.05v
    bool        SetVoltageVolts(double voltageVolts);
    double      GetVoltageVolts() const;

    // 0 through 82, steps of 2
    bool        SetSpeedKnots(int32_t speedKnots);
    uint8_t     GetSpeedKnots() const;

    bool        SetGpsIsValid(bool gpsValid);
    bool        GetGpsIsValid() const;

    // Setters / Getters for Encode / Decode

    bool        SetCallsign(const char *callsign);
    const char *GetCallsign() const;

    // 'A' through 'X' for chars 1 and 2
    // '0' through '9' for chars 3 and 4
    bool        SetGrid4(const char *grid4);
    const char *GetGrid4() const;

    // 0,  3,  7, 10, 13, 17, 20, 23, 27, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43, 47, 50, 53, 57, 60
    bool        SetPowerDbm(uint8_t powerDbm);
    uint8_t     GetPowerDbm() const;

    // Special Channel Map input into Encoding
    // 00 through 09, 10 through 19, Q0 through Q9
    bool        SetId13(const char *id13);
    const char *GetId13() const;

    // Encode / Decode

    void Encode();
    bool Decode();  // return true on successful decode, false otherwise

    // Reset the object to initial values

    void Reset();

Encoding Example

Example minimal program

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "WsprEncoded.h"

int main()
    // Create Basic Telemetry object
    WsprMessageTelemetryBasic tb;

    // Set telemetry fields

    // Configure band and channel
    const char *band    = "20m";
    uint16_t    channel = 123;

    // Get channel details
    WsprChannelMap::ChannelDetails cd = WsprChannelMap::GetChannelDetails(band, channel);

    // Encode the data

    // Extract the encoded WSPR fields
    cout << "Encoded data" << endl;
    cout << "------------" << endl;
    cout << "Callsign: "<< tb.GetCallsign()      << endl;
    cout << "Grid4   : "<< tb.GetGrid4()         << endl;
    cout << "PowerDbm: "<< (int)tb.GetPowerDbm() << endl;

    return 0;


Encoded data
Callsign: 0Y6RLQ
Grid4   : EI27
PowerDbm: 33

Decoding Example

Example minimal program

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "WsprEncoded.h"

int main()
    // Create Basic Telemetry object
    WsprMessageTelemetryBasic tb;

    // Set encoded fields

    // Decode the data

    // Extract the decoded telemetry
    cout << "Decoded data" << endl;
    cout << "------------" << endl;
    cout << "Grid56            : "<< tb.GetGrid56()                  << endl;
    cout << "AltitudeMeters    : "<< tb.GetAltitudeMeters()          << endl;
    cout << "TemperatureCelsius: "<< (int)tb.GetTemperatureCelsius() << endl;
    cout << "VoltageVolts      : "<< tb.GetVoltageVolts()            << endl;
    cout << "SpeedKnots        : "<< (int)tb.GetSpeedKnots()         << endl;
    cout << "GpsIsValid        : "<< tb.GetGpsIsValid()              << endl;

    return 0;


Decoded data
Grid56            : XS
AltitudeMeters    : 12360
TemperatureCelsius: -28
VoltageVolts      : 3.35
SpeedKnots        : 72
GpsIsValid        : 1

API for Channel Map

API Guide

API Guide

struct ChannelDetails
    char     id13[3];   // id13 column header value (null terminated c-string)
    uint8_t  min;       // start minute (0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
    uint32_t freq;      // target frequency, in Hz

class WsprChannelMap

    // For a given band and channel, get the channel details
    static ChannelDetails GetChannelDetails(const char *band, uint16_t channel);

Minimal Example Program

Example minimal program

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "WsprEncoded.h"

int main()
    // Configure band and channel
    const char *band    = "20m";
    uint16_t    channel = 123;

    // Get channel details
    WsprChannelMap::ChannelDetails cd = WsprChannelMap::GetChannelDetails(band, channel);

    // Examine the details
    cout << "Channel Details for band " << band << ", channel " << channel << endl;
    cout << "id13: " << cd.id13      << endl;
    cout << "min : " << (int)cd.min  << endl;
    cout << "freq: " << cd.freq      << endl;

    return 0;


Channel Details for band 20m, channel 123
id13: 06
min : 4
freq: 14097020


Platform Compatibility

Works on old and new IDE

Platform IDE 1.8.19 IDE 2.3.3
RP2040 Yes Yes
Atmega328p No No

Atmega328p is limited by the Arduino IDE itself

The Atmega328p can be programmed by C++20 and beyond, it is simply the compiler Arduino comes with which is the holdup.

There are other ways to build code for Atmega328p, perhaps worth a try!

Library Manager Support

Install the library, and build its example code

Example program

Example program

#include "WsprEncoded.h"

// Testing Channel Detail Lookup

void ReportChannelDetails(const char *band, uint16_t channel)
    // Report the requested band and channel
    Serial.print("[Channel details for band ");
    Serial.print(", channel ");

    // Look up channel details by band and channel
    WsprChannelMap::ChannelDetails cd = WsprChannelMap::GetChannelDetails(band, channel);

    // Report the channel details for the given band and channel    
    Serial.print("id1 : "); Serial.println(cd.id1);
    Serial.print("id3 : "); Serial.println(cd.id3);
    Serial.print("id13: "); Serial.println(cd.id13);
    Serial.print("min : "); Serial.println(cd.min);
    Serial.print("freq: "); Serial.println(cd.freq);

void TestLookupChannelDetails()
    const char *band    = "20m";
    uint16_t    channel = 368;

    ReportChannelDetails(band, channel);

// Testing Message Encoding

void ReportEncodeBasicTelemetry(const char *id13,
                                const char *grid56,
                                int32_t     altitudeMeters,
                                int8_t      temperatureCelsius,
                                double      voltageVolts,
                                uint8_t     speedKnots,
                                bool        gpsIsValid)
    // Create the message encoder
    WsprMessageTelemetryBasic msg;

    // Set the telemetry fields

    // Set Encoding parameter

    // Report the parameters passed, and if they got automatically clamped
    Serial.println("Encoded WSPR BasicTelemetry Type1 Message for:");
    Serial.print("id13      : input as  : "); Serial.println(id13);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetId13());
    Serial.print("grid56    : input as  : "); Serial.println(grid56);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetGrid56());
    Serial.print("altM      : input as  : "); Serial.println(altitudeMeters);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetAltitudeMeters());
    Serial.print("tempC     : input as  : "); Serial.println(temperatureCelsius);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetTemperatureCelsius());
    Serial.print("voltage   : input as  : "); Serial.println(voltageVolts);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetVoltageVolts());
    Serial.print("speedKnots: input as  : "); Serial.println(speedKnots);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetSpeedKnots());
    Serial.print("gpsValid  : input as  : "); Serial.println(gpsIsValid);
    Serial.print("          : clamped to: "); Serial.println(msg.GetGpsIsValid());

    // Do encoding

    // Extract the WSPR Type1 Message fields from the encoder
    const char *callsign = msg.GetCallsign();
    const char *grid4    = msg.GetGrid4();
    uint8_t     powerDbm = msg.GetPowerDbm();

    // Report what the Type1 Message fields are
    Serial.print("callsign: "); Serial.println(callsign);
    Serial.print("grid4   : "); Serial.println(grid4);
    Serial.print("pwrDbm  : "); Serial.println(powerDbm);

    // Give a URL to check decoding at
    std::string url = "";
    url += "";
    url += "?decode=";
    url += callsign;
    url += "%20";
    url += grid4;
    url += "%20";
    url += std::to_string(powerDbm);
    url += "&encode=";

    Serial.print("Check decoding at: "); Serial.println(url.c_str());

void TestEncodeBasicTelemetry_NonClampedValues()
    const char *id13               = "Q5";
    const char *grid56             = "JM";
    int32_t     altitudeMeters     = 5120;
    int8_t      temperatureCelsius = -5;
    double      voltageVolts       = 3.25;
    uint8_t     speedKnots         = 25;
    bool        gpsIsValid         = true;

    Serial.println("[Testing Non-Clamped Encoded Values]");
    ReportEncodeBasicTelemetry(id13, grid56, altitudeMeters, temperatureCelsius, voltageVolts, speedKnots, gpsIsValid);

void TestEncodeBasicTelemetry_ClampedValues()
    const char *id13               = "Q5";
    const char *grid56             = "JM";
    int32_t     altitudeMeters     = 25000;
    int8_t      temperatureCelsius = 45;
    double      voltageVolts       = 5.6;
    uint8_t     speedKnots         = 96;
    bool        gpsIsValid         = true;

    Serial.println("[Testing Clamped Encoded Values]");
    ReportEncodeBasicTelemetry(id13, grid56, altitudeMeters, temperatureCelsius, voltageVolts, speedKnots, gpsIsValid);

void TestEncodeBasicTelemetry()


// Setup and Loop logic

void setup()

void loop()
    Serial.println("Start of tests");





Start of tests

[Channel details for band 20m, channel 368]
id1 : 1
id3 : 8
id13: 18
min : 4
freq: 14097060

[Testing Non-Clamped Encoded Values]
Encoded WSPR BasicTelemetry Type1 Message for:
id13      : input as  : Q5
          : clamped to: Q5
grid56    : input as  : JM
          : clamped to: JM
altM      : input as  : 5120
          : clamped to: 5120
tempC     : input as  : -5
          : clamped to: -5
voltage   : input as  : 3.25
          : clamped to: 3.25
speedKnots: input as  : 25
          : clamped to: 25
gpsValid  : input as  : 1
          : clamped to: 1

callsign: QD5WPK
grid4   : IR39
pwrDbm  : 47

Check decoding at:

[Testing Clamped Encoded Values]
Encoded WSPR BasicTelemetry Type1 Message for:
id13      : input as  : Q5
          : clamped to: Q5
grid56    : input as  : JM
          : clamped to: JM
altM      : input as  : 25000
          : clamped to: 21340
tempC     : input as  : 45
          : clamped to: 39
voltage   : input as  : 5.60
          : clamped to: 4.95
speedKnots: input as  : 96
          : clamped to: 82
gpsValid  : input as  : 1
          : clamped to: 1

callsign: QD5XUP
grid4   : RK54
pwrDbm  : 43

Check decoding at:

CMake Integration

Using CMake FetchContent

Coming soon

Using Git Submodules

Coming soon

From Outside Your Project

Integrate WsprEncoded library from outside your build tree

Reference the library from your project.
(The below assumes the WsprEncoded folder is at the same directory level as your project).

add_executable(YourExecutable main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(YourExecutable libWsprEncoded)

add_subdirectory(../WsprEncoded WSPR_ENCODED)