JavaScript Learning¶
JavaScript comes with a lot of functionality beyond the API presented in the preceding pages. You can use as much or as little of it as you find useful.
If you're interested in learning more, the guide has a number of useful sections.
Start with section 4 and go from there. (Don't read sections 1-3, they don't apply).
Jetpack is not a browser environment
Many JavaScript tutorials/sites assume the JavaScript is running in a browser, and that you can do things like console.log()
or alert()
or otherwise. You can't do that here because Jetpack isn't a browser.
JavaScript is a language, and depending where you run it (eg browser vs tracker), different features are available to you.
The APIs described in these pages are unique to the tracker environment.
JavaScript core language, things like variables, functions, arrays,, etc, work on the tracker.
Just be mindful when you're reading external resources they may be referring to browser-specific functionality that doesn't apply here.